Montag, 31. Januar 2011

E-Bilanz ab 2011 Pflicht

Für alle Fiskaljahre, die im Laufe des Jahres 2011 starten, müssen Unternehmen ihre Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung künftig elektronisch an die Steuerbehörden senden.

Für Wirtschaftsjahre, die nach dem 31. Dezember 2010 beginnen, müssen alle bilanzierenden Unternehmen in Deutschland gemäß Paragraph 5b des Einkommensteuergesetzes (EStG) ihre Bilanz, ihre Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung und gegebenenfalls eine Überleitungsrechnung standardisiert elektronisch übermitteln. Zusammenfassend wird von der sogenannten E-Bilanz gesprochen. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zentrales Vorhaben der Bundesregierung nach dem Motto "Elektronik statt Papier". Es geht darum, unnötige Bürokratie abzubauen. Dieses Ziel war im Dezember 2008 im Deutschen Bundestag mit dem Steuerbürokratieabbaugesetz vom Gesetzgeber festgeschrieben worden.

Bei der IQPC Konferenz E-Bilanz & Taxonomie am 16.-18. Mai 2011 in Frankfurt wird es zu diesen Thema einen aktiven Austausch zu Pilot-Projekten, Vorreiter-Unternehmen und Finanzverwaltungen geben.

So sprechen unter anderen:

Dr. iur. Swen Oliver Bäuml: Wirtschaftsjurist/Steuerberater, Family Office des Pharmaunternehmens Boehringer Ingelheim:. Fachliche Schwerpunkte sind die rechtliche und steuerliche Gestaltungsberatung bei Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften, die Analyse von Steuerreformvorhaben und die steuerrechtliche Begleitung von Investmentanlagen. Er ist u. a. Mitglied des Unterausschusses ‚Unternehmensteuerreform’ beim Bund der Deutschen Industrie (BDI).

Christa Aumer, Referatsleiterin Group Taxation, Allianz SE: Seit September 2002 als Referatsleiterin im Bereich Group Taxation/Corporate Taxation bei der Allianz SE in München tätig. Dort obliegt  Frau Aumer  insbesondere die steuerliche Betreuung/Beratung der inländischen Konzerngesellschaften. 

Ralf Koll: Senior Vice President Corporate Tax & Consolidation bei der Vorwerk & Co. KG   Herr Koll leitet den Bereich und beschäftigt sich mit vielfältigen Steuerthemen. Die Schwerpunkte seiner Steuerarbeit sind: Begleitung von M&A und Restrukturierungen, strukturierte Finanzierungen, Verrechnungspreise und allgemeines internationales Steuerrecht. Zusätzlich beschäftigt er sich mit den speziellen Steuerfragen eines Familienunternehmens.

weitere Sprecher sind: Ulrich Hartmann, Leiter Direkte Steuern der Deutsche Telekom AG; Heiko Höbbel, Tax Manager bei Bayer AG; Richard Roos, CPA bei E.ON AG.

Ein spannender und Gewinnbringender Austausch ist garantiert.
Weitere Informationen zu der Konferenz finden Sie hier: Konferenz E-Bilanz und Taxonomie.

View more documents from IQPC GmbH.

Straße reinigt Luft

Im neuen Siemens Kundenmagazin wagt das Unternehmen einen Blick in die Zukunft und gibt einen Ausblick über die Innovationen der nächsten 10 Jahre:

Straße reinigt Luft

Straßenbeläge können Schadstoffe aus der Luft binden und den Anteil von Stickoxiden um bis zu 45 Prozent verringern. Das haben Wissenschaftler der niederländischen Universität Eindhoven herausgefunden. Durch den Einsatz von Nanotechnologie konnten sie herkömmlichen Beton mit Titandioxid versetzen. Titandioxid sorgt wie ein Katalysator für eine selbstreinigende Wirkung des Straßenbelags. Es nimmt das ultraviolette Sonnenlicht auf und bewirkt, dass sich der Sauerstoff mit einem Teil der umweltschädlichen Stickoxide verbindet, die ansonsten zum Anstieg des bodennahen Ozons beitragen. Auf diese Weise entstehen nur harmlose Nitrate und Salpetersäure, die bei Regen abgewaschen werden. Nanomaterialien gehören zu den Schlüsseltechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts: Durch ihren Einsatz lassen sich Ressourcen effektiv schonen und Energieeinsparungen realisieren. Sie werden bereits in vielen Konsumprodukten verwendet – zum Beispiel als UV-Filter in Sonnencremes, als Korrisionsschutz oder bei kratzfesten und schmutzabweisenden Lacke.

Mehr über die Zukunftsvisionen von Siemens finden Sie im aktuellen Kundenmagazin: hier klicken (pdf) .

Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

More details on the Clinically Relevant Drug Transporters Congress are now available

Gain insight into upcoming regulatory requirements!
Details on the upcoming Clinically Relevant Drug Transporters Congress are now available.

Since IQPC Germany´s first meeting on clinically relevant drug transporters in 2009 considerable progress has been made in understanding the influence of membrane transporters on drug absorption and disposition.

With the recent EMEA drug interaction draft guidance, the ITC whitepaper and FDA regulation under way, considerable information and recommendations are being provided for guiding clinical study design.

The 2nd clinically relevant drug transporter Congress is taking place in Berlin on the 12th to 14th April 2011.

More details can be viewed on the website: or in the below brochure.

Guideline on the Investigation of Drug Interactions

The EMEA Guideline on Investigation of Drug Interactions from April 2010

The potential for interactions between new medicinal products and already marketed drugs should be evaluated. This applies both to effects of the medicinal product on other drugs as well as the effect of other drugs on the medicinal product. Furthermore the effect of concomitant food intake needs to be investigated. The interaction potential is usually investigated through in vitro studies followed by in vivo studies. In addition, studies in other species may be relevant for studies of pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions. The results of interaction studies are used to predict a number of other interactions based on the mechanism involved. Treatment recommendations are developed based on the clinical relevance of the interactions and the possibility to make dose adjustments or treatment monitoring. This document aims as providing recommendations on all these issues. General recommendations are also provided for herbal medicinal products.

To download the full document and other whitepapers on Drug Transporters for free, click here: 

Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Exklusive Interviews mit Key-Sprecher der Pharma Supply Chain 2011

Hören Sie jetzt exklusive Podcasts und Interviews mit Key-Sprechern des 7. Jahresforum End-to-End flexible und agile Pharma Supply Chain.

  • Celgene's Expansion into Asia
  • BinderDr. Frank Binder, Director, International Logistics & Supply Chain at Celgene to discuss the key considerations for selecting business models across Asia and how to choose the right partners for local distribution. Binder also shares his top 3 tips for ensuring end-to-end supply chain optimisation. 

  • What Impact is Lead-Time Reduction Having on the End-to-End Pharma Supply Chain?
  • SartelAntoine du Sartel, Director of Global Supply Chain at Merck Serono about the impact lead-time reduction is having on the end-to-end pharma supply chain and the steps we should take to ensure end-to-end supply chain optimisation. He also shares his top 3 tips for preparing the supply chain to respond to a dynamic market and insights on how to identify the KPIs necessary to support increased effectiveness in your supply chain.

Der Kongress findet vom 21 bis 24 Februar 2011 im Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam statt. Weitere Informationen zu den Sprechern, kostenlose Downloads wie Whitepaper und Artikel sowie Details zum Jahresforum können Sie hier einsehen:

Monika Lessl from Bayer Schering Pharma AG on Open Innovation

An Interview with  Monika Lessl von Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Alliance Management Global Drug Discovery. Mrs Lessl is one of the many knowledgable speakers at the annual Congress Discovery Partnerships happening Tuesday and Wednesday this week (25-26 Jan 2011). More details on the event can be accessed here:

IQPC: Which advantages does the approach of open innovation have for pharma companies such as Bayer Healthcare?

Lessl: Open innovation is defined as the use of internal and external ideas and paths to create value, which in our case means the development of novel drugs with high medical need. The questions to be addressed in drug discovery are challenging and cannot be solved by industry alone. Joining forces with partners with complementary expertise and skills is a key prerequisite for future success.

IQPC: What kind of risks do you see?

Lessl: Selection of matching partners is an important aspect. Only if a strategic fit is given and the goals of
partners are matching a partnership will be successful and create value in the long run.

IQPC: How difficult is it to define the pre-competitive boundary?

Lessl: Open innovation comprises a number of different models about how to collaborate and to use external ideas and resources. Depending on the question to be solved, the adequate model of partnership has to be chosen. If the main goal of the partnership is the development of tools and standards relevant for the entire industry a precompetitive approach, such as the IMI consortium, is the agent of choice.

Source: IQPC GmbH,

Pharmatopia: A Virtual Island for Real World Learning

In search for new innovative tools in interactive education and learning, Pharmatopia offers a virtual tour for real world learning. Dr Ian Larson takes you across an island featuring table manufacturing plant and Asclepia.

Part two takes you through a virtual sterile clean room on  Pharmatopia.


Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

10 Jahre Wikipedia - ein visueller Rückblick

Wikipedia feiert seinen 10 Geburtstag. Folgende Grafik und das Video von Jess3 visualisieren die Meilensteine und Geschichte der beliebten Webseite.
Meilensteine von Wikipedia (für größere Version klicken) hat die Infografik und das Video zusammen gefasst.

Im Video erzählt Gründer Jimmy Wales höchstpersönlich von den Ursprüngen und der Entwicklung der Seite in der vergangenen Dekade. Die Grafik zeigt die wichtigsten Meilensteine.

The State of Wikipedia
Grafik und Video sowie weitere Informationen sind auf der Seite "The State of Wikipedia" verfügbar. Die Seite bindet auch eine Twitter-Timeline ein, in der alle Erwähnungen von Wikipedia einfließen.

Das Team von JESS3 ist für die Seite verantwortlich, welches unter anderem auch "The State of the Internet" auf ähnliche Art und Weise visualisiert hat.

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

New speakers for the Automotive Battery Congress: Lars Alfredsson (Think) and Alain Dugast (PSA Peugeot Citroen)

We are happy to announce Lars Alfredsson from Think Global AS, Manager / Battery Systems Engineering and Alain Dugast, Expert Leader Storage of Electrical Energy, PSA Peugeot Citroen, as speakers at the 4th International Congress on Automotive Battery Technology.

THINK is a pioneer in electric vehicles and a leader in electric vehicle technology, developed and proven over 19 years. It is one of the few companies that has a ‘ready-to-market’ fully electric vehicle – the THINK City. With its market-leading range, driveability and recyclability, the THINK City is the first vehicle of its type to be granted pan-European regulatory safety approval and CE certification.

(c) Jascha400d
PSA Peugeot Citroën (previously Peugeot Société Anonyme) is a French manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles sold under the Peugeot and Citroën marques. Headquartered in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, PSA is the second largest automaker based in Europe and the number six in the world.

Both speakers and our other participants will offer you the opportunity to learn about the latest trends in battery technology including dealing with safety, life span and recycling possibilities.

More details on the event can be accessed here:  4th International Congress on Automotive Battery Technology

Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

Cyber-War, Piraterie und Terror im Fokus des 6. Jahreskongress „Transformation der Streitkräfte 2011“

Globale Veränderungen haben neue Risiken und Bedrohungen wie z.B. Cyber-War, Piraterie und Terror entstehen lassen, die sich auch auf Deutschlands Sicherheit auswirken. Der 6. Jahreskongress „Transformation der Streitkräfte 2011" vom 28 - 30 März 2011 in Berlin verdeutlicht, dass die Transformation ein kontinuierlicher Anpassungsprozess an das sich ständig wandelnde sicherheitspolitische Umfeld und die haushaltspolitische Lage darstellt.

Hochrangige Vertreter der Streitkräfte, Politiker und Beamte aus zuständigen Ministerien und Ämtern und Vertreter aus der Verteidigungsindustrie werden vor Ort sein um den aktuellen Stand und die Entwicklung der Transformation in den Streitkräften zu diskutieren – aktuell geprägt durch den Bericht der Strukturkommission, dessen Umsetzung in der Bundeswehr sowie Folgerungen für die Streitkräftetransformation aus der neuen NATO Strategie.

Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie hier: Pressemitteilung .

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

New speaker: Alain Gilberg from PSA Peugeot Citroen / Autosar

We have the pleasure of announcing that Alain Gilberg will be joining us as a speaker on the upcoming conference on Chassis Electrification. More details on the conference will be posted soon.

Alain Gilberg is at PSA Peugeot Citroën since 1990 and is currently working in the powertrain and chassis division in the electronics department where he is responsible for technical policy regarding electronics and software developments.

Deeply involved in innovation in this domain, he is the project leader for PSA Peugeot Citroën in the AUTOSAR project since 2003 when PSA became core partner of this project.

A few years ago he has been involved in the research projects AEE and ITEA EAST-EEA, which were dealing with the standardization of electronic architectures in the automotive domain and can be considered as one of the origin of the AUTOSAR initiative of which he is a speaker in 2011.

Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

Securing the Smart Grid - a book review

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday January 05, @02:50PM
from the protect-ya-neck dept.
brothke writes "Securing the Smart Grid: Next Generation Power Grid Security, authors Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse provide a comprehensive and first-rate overview of smart grid technology and what is needed to ensure that it is developed and deployed in a secure and safe manner. An issue is that smart grid has significant amount of hype around it, including the promise that it will make energy more affordable, effective and green. With that, promises around security and privacy are often hard to obtain."
Available on Amazon now.
Securing the Smart Grid: Next Generation Power Grid Security
author Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse
pages 320
publisher Syngress
rating 9/10
reviewer Ben Rothke
ISBN 1597495700
summary Excellent overview on smart grid technology and its related security, privacy and regulatory issues
While the books notes early on that there is no singular definition of what defines smart grid, a generally accepted definition is that it is a "network of technologies providing real-time two-way communication that delivering electricity from utilities to consumers".

Most importantly, it is crucial to understand that the smart grid is an evolving environment, not a single entity or technology.

As important as the smart grid and security is, roughly 80% of Americans claim to know little or nothing about the smart grid, while 76% lack knowledge or understanding of smart meters, according to results of the latest Market Strategies International E2 Study.

From a security perspective, securing the smart grid is a complex endeavor. When you combined this with a public that is oblivious to the security and privacy issues, it gets worrisome quite fast.

The books 14 chapters provide a good overview of the various aspects of smart grid, energy and utility transmission, security, privacy attack vectors and more. The book offers a good balance of the topics, in a very readable format.

In chapter 1, the authors note that a smart grid is not a single device, application, system network, or even idea. And that there is no single authoritative definition for what a smart grid is. With that, the initial chapter sets and defines the various aspects to smart grid.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the threats and impacts of smart metering at the consumer level. A large part of smart grid technologies is advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which is a set of systems that measure, collect and analyze energy usage, and interact with advanced devices such as electricity meters, gas meters, heat meters, and water meters, through various communication media. Once smart grid is ubiquitous, AMI will be a hacker's platform of choice.

With all those benefits of AMI come security and privacy issues, and those open the metering infrastructure to smart thieves, stalkers, and a broad range of other threats and attacks. AMI also opens up a new set of privacy issues in that the AMI devices will be collecting significant amounts of personal energy data, which may or may not be transmitted over a secure channel.

Unfortunately, leaving security to vendors of home-based products has traditionally not been met with much success. Let's hope the smart grid vendors learn from the security debacles of the past and build effective and strong security into their products.

Chapter 4 notes that smart grid security is a matter of national security and that the US government is playing a large role in directing the effort. Numerous groups have efforts in place to secure smart grids, including DOE, FERC, DoC, DHS and more.

An important group working on this is the NIST Cyber Security Working Group (CSWG). The primary goal of the CSWG is to develop an overall cyber security strategy for the smart grid that includes a risk mitigation strategy to ensure interoperability of solutions across different domains/components of the infrastructure. This strategy addresses prevention, detection, response, and recovery.

The CSWG recently created NISTIR 7628 — Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security, which complement everything detailed in this book. It also has the added benefit of being free. At 577 pages, it is also much more comprehensive.

Chapter 11 is especially fascinating, which deals with the topic of social networks and smart grid. While smart grid can leverage the power of social networking, it is inevitable that people will start tweeting about their energy usage. While that energy data may seem like an innocuous tweet, that information can be used to determine if the people are at home, on vacation, using specific appliances, etc.

For example, the Lyceum is the oldest building on the University of Mississippi campus. The Lyceum also has a twitter feed about its energy usage. While this is more informational, when individuals start sharing their energy usage, without effective social media controls, the security outcome is quite predictable. With that level of information disclosure, it is quite easy to determine if a family is home, not home, sleeping, entertaining guests, etc.

As to users who in the future will integrate tweets and other energy data into their social networking, the chapter illustrates how much of a security risk this can pose by detailing vampire energy cost estimates for over 75 different types of electronic products. Attackers can use the energy data and extrapolate what products are in use, when, and more.

The chapter concludes with a smart grid social networking security checklist. The smart grid social networking security checklist contains five categories for implementing basic security controls, name around: identity, authentication, information sharing, networking and usage.

The book also includes a number of sidebar Epic Fail stories, which detail major failures and catastrophes in various energy topics.

Overall, Securing the Smart Grid: Next Generation Power Grid Security provides an excellent overview on the state of smart grid technology and its related security, privacy and regulatory issues. The book provides an excellent introduction for anyone looking to understand what smart grid is all about, and its security and privacy issues.

You can purchase Securing the Smart Grid: Next Generation Power Grid Security from

Montag, 3. Januar 2011

Englisch für Mediziner

Medical Tribune hat eine schöne PDF mit Tipps für Englisch für Mediziner zusammengestellt.
Ein Beispiel:

Weiteres gibt es hier:


Eine Auflistung von Kongressen und Tagungen zum Thema Pharma & Chemie finden Sie hier: IQPC Deutschland.

Informationen zum 3. Internationalen Kongress für die Integrierte Entwicklung kinderärztlicher Arzneimittel jetzt erhältlich

Informationen zum 3. Internationalen Kongress für die Integrierte Entwicklung kinderärztlicher Arzneimittel gibt es jetzt auf Slideshare oder auf der Webseite: 3rd International Congress of Integrated Paediatric Drug Development. Melden Sie sich bis Ende Januar an und sparen Sie bis zu €290.