Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Monika Lessl from Bayer Schering Pharma AG on Open Innovation

An Interview with  Monika Lessl von Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Alliance Management Global Drug Discovery. Mrs Lessl is one of the many knowledgable speakers at the annual Congress Discovery Partnerships happening Tuesday and Wednesday this week (25-26 Jan 2011). More details on the event can be accessed here:

IQPC: Which advantages does the approach of open innovation have for pharma companies such as Bayer Healthcare?

Lessl: Open innovation is defined as the use of internal and external ideas and paths to create value, which in our case means the development of novel drugs with high medical need. The questions to be addressed in drug discovery are challenging and cannot be solved by industry alone. Joining forces with partners with complementary expertise and skills is a key prerequisite for future success.

IQPC: What kind of risks do you see?

Lessl: Selection of matching partners is an important aspect. Only if a strategic fit is given and the goals of
partners are matching a partnership will be successful and create value in the long run.

IQPC: How difficult is it to define the pre-competitive boundary?

Lessl: Open innovation comprises a number of different models about how to collaborate and to use external ideas and resources. Depending on the question to be solved, the adequate model of partnership has to be chosen. If the main goal of the partnership is the development of tools and standards relevant for the entire industry a precompetitive approach, such as the IMI consortium, is the agent of choice.

Source: IQPC GmbH,

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