Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

The Race for the Future of Aircraft Seating

The benefits of reducing the basic empty weight (BEW) of commercial aircrafts are widespread and therefore have become a high priority for airline manufactures. Any design that results in a reduced BEW, or an overall reduction in weight of the aircraft will reduce the amount of fuel required to operate a commercial aircraft and thus the cost of fuel. This benefits the economy, the environment and consumers who will indirectly benefit from reduced ticket prices. Aircraft seating manufacturers are aware that the race for the future is now; the monopoly on aircraft seating production is for the taking. The aircraft industry is struggling. Where there previously no such strong incentive to invest in radically new technology existed, the industry suddenly doesn’t have a choice. With jet fuel prices approaching $130 US dollars/barrel, airlines have to invest in something. They have to invest in whatever viable alternative presents itself in an effort to increase profit in a difficult time. The plan for the future is to decrease the amount of room installed aircraft components take up in order to increase the amount of space available, with intentions of maximizing the payload which means more passengers per flight and thus increased revenue, as well as reduced ticket prices for passengers. It has been estimated that each pound reduction on the aircraft will save $500 in fuel. On the plane, seating has been targeted by manufactures and aircraft seating engineers as a main area where weight and the space passenger seating occupies can significantly be reduced. The aim is not to deprive passengers of comfort or amenities, which would simply be out of the question for commercial aircrafts who need to contend with other airlines, but rather to decrease the weight of already existing amenities on the aircraft. Individual passengers can benefit from potentially more affordable flights, society will reap the benefits of new highly skilled jobs being produced, reduced Carbon and C02 emissions will be as a result of decreased jet fuel consumption and thus also the environment will benefit. Aircrafts today need light, more affordable solutions for their interior components. It is suggested that the efficiency of fuel can be doubled given significant amendments to the weight of the aircraft. Many companies have been experimenting with different materials and designs in an effort to produce lighter seats. The biggest obstacle to reducing the weight of seats and thus the overall weight of the aircraft is that amendments that will affect the load of the aircraft must be reassessed and adhere to the aircraft safety and legal requirements, as well as successfully pass through certification processes.


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