Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Aircraft Seating: Future seating development needs

IQPC has asked industry professionals to share their opinion on future seating development needs. The following experts Bill Archer, General Manager Interiors & Cabin Avionics Engineering at Delta Air Lines / USA; Fabian Günzkofer, Institute of Ergonomics at Technische Universität München / Germany; Uwe Salzer, Vice President Research & Development at ZIM Flugsitz GmbH / Germany; Tim Coffield, Director of Development / Seating Development at ITW-Dahti Seating / USA; and Jacques Debouchaud, Head of Engineering Cabin Interior Business Line at EADS Sogerma / France have answered the follwing question:

 Future seating development needs to take into account the effects of changes in demographics, anthropometrics as well as different customer needs and expectations. What are these changes and how can those needs be implemented into future seating?

The answers of the experts have been summarized in the following paragraph:
The phenomenon of secular acceleration, meaning that people of newer generations will be taller than those of former generations, is still ongoing. It’s pretty well understood that the amount of personal space surrounding the occupant is a primary driver of “comfort” and being “comfortable”. Therefore it is necessary that any ergonomic changes continue to add personal space without sacrificing any seat density. New comfort features like lowering outer armrests to facilitate access and egress to the seat are conceivable. The experts also see more potential on board services.

But how to achieve the right balance between weight reduction and comfort?

Our experts have also answered this and many more questions. All interviews are available as short q's & a's. Click here to read the individual expert interviews.

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