Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Managing your front-line Workforce and their work activities

Many companies have automated workforce management processes that occur in the office, but what about the front-line processes that occur in the field, at the job site or on the shop floor? How can you enable your mobile/remote workforce to efficiently capture and access detailed information – anywhere, anytime? Would replacing paper timesheets, manual checklists, faxed work orders and phone tag help you manage payroll, costing, billing, compliance and resource management? By streamlining inefficient processes and increasing visibility across your enterprise, a mobile workforce management solution can increase the accuracy of information, the productivity of your employees, the accountability of your front-line operations and the profitability of your business.

Mobility pioneer FedEx has stated that a central objective of their business is “to collapse time and space and increase the amount of available information”. For many companies, this applies equally well to managing your mobile or remote front-line workforce and their activities when employees…

…work at job sites or customer locations
…travel to multiple locations
…move across multiple jobs or tasks


Even though mobile workers may be off site, the work they do can’t be out of sight. Real-time visibility into labor and production across your workforce is needed to support efficient resource management, accurate job costing, timely billing and streamlined payroll.

Yet traditional methods for information exchange and data collection are often inefficient and unproductive for mobile employees.

Paper forms and back-and-forth phone calls entail time-consuming and error-prone inputting, processing, reviewing and re-keying of data. Always-connected computers are not possible in many environments. And even if they are, requiring employees to trek to a terminal to record every activity and receive every job update wastes time and disrupts operations.

The inability to efficiently manage the mobile workforce can be costly to your organization: significant lost productivity, unnecessary overtime, inadequate control over project costs and quality, delays in customer billing and a lack of detail to back up invoices, incorrect paychecks, and incomplete job cost data that hinders effective management decision-making.

What’s needed is an automated solution for Mobile Workforce Management – the efficient exchange of timely, accurate and detailed information to manage your front-line workforce and their work activities… anywhere, anytime.

Learn more about Mobile Workforce Management, download the full 4-page PDF here.

Tipp:  Besuchen Sie die Mobile Workforce Management Konferenz vom 12-14 Dezember 2011, Dorint Hotel Sanssouci Berlin-Potsdam - weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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